Jay TobeyJay co-founded FlowStreet in 2022 and is currently CEO. Jay’s mission is to expand access to private investment opportunities. He has experience syndicating individual investments in real estate, private equity, and private credit and has spent years cultivating exclusive relationships throughout the Western United States. During that time, he has been instrumental in stewarding over $45MM of investor capital.
Jeremy Davis
Moving to Utah almost two years ago, Covid finally gave him the excuse he needed to evacuate Los Angeles and start a new, better life, here in the Salt Lake Valley. What started as a dabble in the fix n flip scene in Los Angeles, moved him into full-time real estate investment once relocating this past year. Now, Jeremy focuses on not only local deals, but works nationwide as a “SUBTO” leader in Creative Finance, as well as helps to train and manage a team of Virtual Assistants (VA’s) for dozens of various clients.
Coming from experience in a previous career of systematizing, delegation, training, and scaling, Jeremy has a firm grasp on what it takes to bring a company to the next level. From B2B outreach, Admin tasks, website SEO, direct-to-seller marketing, social media management, web-scraping, and even graphic design, he has a great understanding of what a business needs to grow, and how to outsource and accomplish those tasks.
In addition to working with the VA’s, Jeremy found himself under the tutelage and mentorship of Pace Morby, a national investor and serial entrepreneur. Almost immediately Jeremy rose through the ranks of students, and is now the leader for Utah, Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Montana, Wyoming, Alaska, and both Carolina markets. From that leadership role, he helps guide new and seasoned investors towards systematizing, sourcing, underwriting, and locking up deals in a multitude of “Creative finance” methods.
Jeremy is married to his beautiful wife Katie (also his transaction coordinator), they have an incredible wiener dog named “Ghillie” and they are expecting their first child in December. They rockclimb, they snowboard, they love shooting and archery, and when not trying to close real estate deals, they spend as much time in the sun as possible. Overall, they love their new lives as Utahns.
E-mail: Jeremy@cashquickbuyers.com